1 Timothy 2:5-6
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.
Dear Heavenly Father
To come to you on our own, with our sinful nature, is outside of our reach. Because we are by nature wicked, and you are holy. We needed a mediator, and you sent us, your Son, who came to earth to be our brother. By his suffering on the cross, he tore the veil that separated us from you. The curtain that hung before the Most Holy Place was like our sin that kept us from you. But on the cross, Jesus became our mediator, taking every sin with him, so our sin no longer divides us from you. The curtain was torn when he completed the payment for our iniquities. Jesus paid that ransom for our sin through his blood on the cross, and when he called out, “it is finished,” the entirety of our debt was paid in full. Jesus is our mediator who brings us all life eternal. Forgive me and all my sins that separate me from you, and send your Spirit through the word, that I may receive Jesus’ forgiveness through faith. Amen.
Vicar Roger Emmons
We now, by the power of the Spirit, through Jesus, have access to the Father.