Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, the one who is, and who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the Alpha and the Omega; you created the world; at some point in eternity, you began time, space, and matter. You established the foundations of the world; there is nothing out there that is greater than you. On the sixth day, you created man to be the crown jewel of your creation, but we rebelled against you. We continue to rebel against you, but you are with us now, and there is no problem we face that is greater than you. Money problems, you own everything and allow us to be managers over what you give us. Health problems, you are the great physician who has developed our bodies; you know everything that happens in them. And at the same time, you have made us stewards over them as well. Relational problems with others, you gave us your Ten Commandments to help us love you and love others. Because we continually mess this up, you sent your Son who became like us, except he was without sin. He owned nothing, but you provided for him. He healed those who were sick and then gave up his life to heal the sickness of sin that infects us all. When we fail to love you above all other things and to love our neighbors as ourselves, Jesus forgave all those sins. Lord, you are still with us and will be with us to the end. But there will be an end when Jesus comes again. Prepare our hearts for his next coming. Amen
Vicar Roger Emmons
When you have a direct line to communicate with the very top—the one who began, maintains, and will also end everything. Why would you not want to make regular use of that access?