Luke 12:32
Do not be afraid, little flock, because your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.
Dear Heavenly Father,
What a wonderful blessing that you have given us: the kingdom of heaven. This is not something we have achieved on our own, but we receive it because of your Son; through his perfect, holy life and his innocent death on the cross. On several occasions, he has taught his disciples that the forgiveness of sins he won for us on the cross is the key to your kingdom. What a wonderful gift this is! Please help us, so we never take this gift for granted and realize that because we have received this heavenly gift does not give us a license to abuse your forgiveness. Let us also have a forgiving heart for all who are around us. Let each of us focus our attention on the kingdom that is before us in our final rest. Thank you for all your grace, mercy, and peace that you have given to us, and thank you for setting your kingdom before us. Amen.
Vicar Roger Emmons
When we see the kingdom God has given us, what do we really have to fear? Nothing!