Daily Devotion-May 6, 2021

Daily Devotion-May 6, 2021

1 Timothy 2:1-2

First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all those who are in authority, in order that we might live a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and dignity.

Dear Heavenly Father,

As Paul has urged us to come before you with prayers and petitions for the leaders of our country, we ask that you would be with them. We are members of two kingdoms, the earthly and heavenly kingdom; you rule over both. While this earthly kingdom may seem out of control from time to time, you still limit evil’s power. Give our government officials attentiveness to lead according to your will and foresight to come to you for discernment. Let us remember that you will use them for your excellent purpose no matter how they rule. Lord, according to your goodwill and council, watch over your people, regardless of where they may be. Protect their souls and give all of us peace that only comes through you because of what Jesus has done for us. Through his holy life and innocent death, we have the forgiveness of sins, life, life, and salvation. Keep us in your word until we finally come to our heavenly home. Amen.

Vicar Roger Emmons

No matter how you might feel about government leaders, we need to continue to pray for them. Even with the best or worst of leadership, God will use them for his good purpose of your salvation.