Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Dear Heavenly Father,
It is a wonder how you would bless and keep such wicked people as us. It would be understandable if we were all cute and cuddly with no sin, but we are not. And still, you sustain us each and every day, providing us with clothes, shoes, houses, and all that we need to maintain our daily needs. You also provided for our spiritual needs when you sent your Son because we are sinful beings. Through your Son, your face shines on us despite our sinfulness. It is by your graciousness that he forgave all of our sins, taking them all to the cross with him. Once again, not because of what we have done, but because of your love and mercy for us. We do not deserve your love, yet you have looked on us with your favor. Your Holy Spirit has come to us and created faith in us, so we have the assurance and comfort of our Savior’s forgiveness. You have given us your peace. Lord, thank you for your blessing of grace, favor, and peace, which all come from your love. Amen.
Roger Emmons
The magnitude of God’s love goes beyond all human understanding. However, we have peace knowing that it is far greater than the depths of our depravity.