Daily Devotion-July 5, 2021

Daily Devotion-July 5, 2021

Colossians 1:21-23

At one time, you were alienated from God and hostile in your thinking, as expressed through your evil deeds. But now Christ reconciled you in his body of flesh through death, in order to present you holy, blameless, and faultless before him—if you continue steadfast and firm in faith, without being moved away from the hope of the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I don’t like to hear the truth that I was hostile towards you, but Paul didn’t sugar-coat the ramifications of my sins. In fact, by nature, my sinful heart makes me unreceptive towards you, and you should be intolerant of me. Since you are holy and perfect, there was no way I could be in your presence with my sinful disposition. I should be absolutely separated from you, as Paul wrote, “alienated from you.” What makes it worse, I overlook my sinful nature and don’t see myself as that bad. When I say or do something offensive to others, I tend to look the other way rather than face myself in the mirror. But every time I miss the mark of perfection you demand of me, I deserve to be alienated from you. Lord, thank you for your word that forces me to look in the mirror and see my numerous faults; I realize how much I need a Savior.

However, you didn’t stop there. You also restored me through Christ’s body. The perfect life he lived has been credited to me; Paul reminded me, “now we are holy, blameless, and faultless.” This is not because of anything I have done, but You covered my sins with Jesus’s blood—poured out for me on the cross. I have been restored, no longer alienated from you. This gift is received through faith distributed by your Spirit with the Means of Grace—the Word and Sacraments. Now through faith, I trust my sins are removed, and I am restored to you having the hope of life that only you can give. Lord, thank you for delivering your gospel; grant me the courage today to be part of your proclamation to all creation under heaven. Amen.

Pastor Roger Emmons

Rest assured, Christ has already forgiven our sins, but daily go to Him in repentance. He wants to assure you that your sins are forgiven and your salvation is secure.