Daily Devotion-August 20, 2021

Daily Devotion-August 20, 2021

Matthew 20:28

“The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Dear Lord Jesus,

Forgive me when I think I have something to add to what you have done for me; somehow, my service to you adds to it. Isaiah clearly identified that everything we do is tainted with sin; he wrote, “all our works are as filthy rags.” You served all the people who came to you by healing them and telling them their sins are forgiven. Your ministry was in preparation for your work on the cross; your purpose was to forgive all people. Lord, you called the forgiveness of sins: the keys to heaven. You gave these keys to all believers. The beautiful part is this: You have already forgiven the sins of all people. Now, we get to serve others by telling them their sins have been forgiven. The wretched condition of every evil thing they and we have ever done and all the guilt that accompanies those sins—you have absolved. Before you it is already gone, you paid that enormous price for our iniquities: your life was given; this is how you have served us; Isaiah said, “by your wounds, we are healed.” Your resurrection is the proof of payment accepted. Lord, I pray that you would grant me opportunities to serve others; place people in front of me today to share the wonderful news that they too are forgiven; all our sins are gone. Then through your Spirit, instill in them the faith to believe it. Thank you for coming to serve us. Amen.

Roger Emmons


Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church


What would happen if you walked into a restaurant, looked at the menu, then headed into the kitchen to make your own food and serve yourself? Jesus is the menu; he is the bread of life; you can add nothing to his holy life nor his innocent death.