1 Corinthians 1:22-25
Yes, Jews ask for signs, Greeks desire wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified—which is offensive to Jews and foolishness to Greeks, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. We preach Christ crucified because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Not much has changed since Paul’s time. To talk about Jesus to anyone is considered politically incorrect. Today, we have so-called churches destroying your word, questioning creation, Old Testament prophecy, and even Christ himself. To them, these notions are irrational, so they cut away the Bible’s teachings, removing what they see as illogical from the Bible. Others question whether or not Jesus was both true man and God; they question whether Jesus died on the cross. Father, those who cling to your word’s teaching are considered foolish by the rest of the world.
Yet Christ is the power of God. Through Jesus’ perfect life and death, he defeated death. You have given believers the same power because you adopted us, and we are your heirs. I have to admit the cross does not make sense, that your Son would die for me, but even though it does not make sense, it does not take away from the truth that Jesus died and rose from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection was for real! Many witnessed it, so the forgiveness of sins, my hope of everlasting life is also valid. Lord, give believers the strength and courage always to preach Christ crucified. Because as Paul said, your foolishness is wiser than man and your weakness is stronger than man. I pray that you strengthen believers through your wisdom and strength. Amen.
Roger Emmons
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Staying with a church that teaches false doctrine or speaks against the truth of the Bible is like being fed arsenic all your life wondering why you are sick. May God’s word be taught only in truth and purity.