Daily Devotion-September 18, 2021

Daily Devotion-September 18, 2021

Psalm 90:1-2 

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born, before you gave birth to the earth and the world, from eternity to eternity, you are God.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We go through our days and think we got this. Things have been busy, but we have all our plates spinning. Then someone sends us an email, or we get a couple of phone calls about things that we have to do, and all our dishes seem to come crashing to the ground. These verses come from Moses’s Psalm; he had the Egyptian army hot on his heels as he made his way across the Red Sea, and you saved your people. All the things we need to accomplish today might be significant, so we come to you because you are our comfort and dwelling place. Please give us the strength to endure all we need to go through. Lord, you are our God. You sent your Son to take on the world’s sin problem; we could do nothing to remove this baggage. However, he did. He went to the cross to suffer for all those things that we think, say, and do, as well as those things we fail to do. You give us comfort in the forgiveness Jesus has already won for us; you remove the guilt of our sins. This short life we live 80, 90, or 100 years is nothing compared to your eternity or how you have kept and maintained this universe and your believers since its beginning. You are greater than anything we might face; our strength comes from you. Please give us the vigor to spin the plates that come our way today. Add one extra dish for us; place this plate on us—to share the good news of our Savior with someone new today. Amen.

Roger Emmons


Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church


God is far superior to anything we will face; remember, he created everything around us. Moreover, he will see you through whatever challenges come your way today.