Mark 10:13-16
Some people began bringing little children to Jesus so that he would touch them. But the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said, “Let the little children come to me! Do not hinder them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I tell you: Whoever will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” And he took the little children in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.
Dear Lord Jesus,
When the disciples wanted to turn the children from you, you became upset with them. This passage teaches that your kingdom is for all ages of people, even for small children. It’s the parent’s responsibility to bring their children to you when they are young, so they will know your Scripture and not turn from them when they are old. As parents, we failed our children when we thought going to church was optional, and reading Bible stories were extracurricular. Do we wonder why this current generation is so tainted, distorted, and lawless? Perhaps it was from their parents not bringing their children to you, feeling rebuked from the other church members that acted like the disciples. Being critical of a cranky baby or an over-ambitious, curious toddler, causing those parents to never went back.
However, you tell us the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. And unless we receive it like a child, we will not enter heaven. Lord, this childlike faith is when a parent tells their child to jump into their arms, the child does not question them; they just leap. Trusting their parent will catch them every time. Lord, send your Holy Spirit, so I have faith like a child, so I do so without questioning when you tell me to jump to you. When I read your Scripture, I believe it unquestioningly. You have already told me it was true; you told me you don’t lie. So, let me trust everything you have written in your word. Please take me in your arms and bless me today and every day. Amen.
Roger Emmons
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Childlike faith is not a naïve faith, but it is a faith that trusts what God has said and wants to know more. St. Jerome once said, “The Scriptures are shallow enough for a babe to come and drink without fear of drowning and deep enough for a theologian to swim in without ever touching the bottom.”