Psalm 145:15-16
The eyes of all look eagerly to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. He opens his hand, and he satisfies the desire of every living thing.
Dear Heavenly Father,
This Thanksgiving, we say thank you, you provide the needs of all people, believers and unbelievers alike. You make the crops grow and cause the animals to fatten, providing us with our food. Lord, you open up your hand, providing all that we need. Especially our need to overcome sin, you accomplished this need by sending your Son to take our sins into himself. Christ willingly went to that cross to suffer the punishment for our iniquities; he opened his hands on the cross, allowing those nails to penetrate his flesh for our sins. Jesus satisfied our need to overcome our sin and the guilt that comes with our sins. Our salvation and eternal life were accomplished through Christ alone.
This thanksgiving celebration, please help us focus on the greatest blessing you have given us. The forgiveness of sins Jesus won for us on the cross through his holy life and innocent death. Offered to all people but received only through faith in Jesus. Please grant us opportunities to share this gift, promise, and hope with others who have not heard or may not believe in you. Lord, thank you for our salvation; it is the greatest blessing that we could receive. Amen.
Pastor Roger Emmons
When God takes care of all your physical needs, how much more will he care for all our spiritual needs. Oh, give thanks unto the Lord for all the great things he has done.