Hebrews 10:23-25
Let us hold on firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful. Let us also consider carefully how to spur each other on to love and good works. Let us not neglect meeting together, as some have the habit of doing. Rather, let us encourage each other, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Our hope is in Jesus; because he died and rose for all our sins, we have the promise of everlasting life; this is our confession. We know that you will not waver in this, but we can and will. Our sinful desires are constantly working to find ways to chase evil desires and push you away. Lord, thank you for giving us the means to strengthen and encourage our trust in you. Our faith needs to be continuously fed with the nutrition of your word and sacraments. You have provided us with your word and given us under-shepherds to minister to us and provide us with these means of grace. When we come together to your house, there is another blessing each of us receives: the encouragement of others. We hear how you blessed them through the past week, and we share in their struggles. When we get to come together, we have this confidence that we all share in one common belief, a common faith. What if I had not shown up? I would have missed out on so many of their blessings. Lord, thank you for this congregation of believers we are a part of; let us take advantage of every opportunity to encourage one another. Because the world seems to be getting darker with sin, you are the only way to overcome that darkness. Let us never take the importance of meeting together for granted, but always make it the pinnacle over everything else we do for the week. Thank you for feeding us yesterday with your word and sacraments that we can endure another week. Lord, my faith is too fragile and perishable to go through a single week without you. Thank you for not only the forgiveness Jesus won for me but also a place where I can hear about your love regularly. Amen
Pastor Roger Emmons
If you think it is ok not to feed your faith for the week. Then go the next week without food and water to see how long you survive. Your body gets you to the end of this life, but faith gets your soul into eternity. It is by faith you are saved.