Romans 13:11-12
And do this since you understand the present time. It is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost over, and the day is drawing near. So let us put away the deeds of darkness and put on the weapons of light.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Looking around the world, many of the end times signs have been fulfilled, and each day is one day closer to that end. Paul wrote, “do this since you understand the present time.” Let these fulfillments create a sense of urgency in each of us to be prepared. We need to be vigilant. Because any moment, we could be seeing this world’s last hour, either our final breath or for Jesus’ second coming. You had already made the preparations we needed by sending Jesus to win our salvation when we were stuck in our sins. Jesus went to the cross for us, dying for all our sins; there, he defeated death for us so salvation would be ours. Through faith, you transformed our hearts, putting away our deeds of darkness: anger, hate, rage, revenge, bitterness, and pride. Let us use the weapons of the light—faith, hope, peace, joy, and love—to combat evil. We train with these weapons by regularly using your word and sacraments. Through the regular study of your holy scriptures, we will choose the weapons of the light over those of darkness. Please increase our love for you and others through these means of grace. Lord, please keep us alert to the world and discipline ourselves in everything we think, say, and do. Amen.
Pastor Roger Emmons
We can all see how dire the world is becoming. Now is the time to be extra attentive always to prepare yourself, for Judgment Day is getting that much closer.