Numbers 6:22-27
The Lord told Moses to speak to Aaron and to his sons and to tell them to bless the Israelites with these words: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace. In this way, they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for blessing us, your people, by putting your name upon us. When we consider this blessing you gave to Moses, Aaron, and his sons, to bless and mark your people, you were making them and us, your own. Most Sunday mornings, we are reminded how you have sealed your people after they have heard your word. This blessing is both a reminder and a promise.
The Lord bless and keep you. In these words, we are reminded of your creation and sustainment for us and all we need. You provide for us our clothes, shoes, houses, and families. You also provided us with Spiritual rest by sending both your Son and Holy Spirit to forgive sins and the faith to receive your gifts.
You make your face shine on us through your Son. Is it a coincidence that sun and son sound alike in English? While the sun renders light to the earth, your Son was the light of the world. Your Son came into the world because of sin’s darkness and died for all our sins taking away the night of our sins and bringing us to a new day. He is gracious to us. Because of his love, he took all our sins into himself and gave us forgiveness for everything we have done.
We are restored to your good favor through the forgiveness he has won for us and adopted as your children. Through the faith your Holy Spirit created in us, we receive your gift of forgiveness, which restores us back to your favor. In this, we have been set apart now as holy.
This is your name you place on us. Thank you for sending us your Son and Holy Spirit to forgive and create faith in us. Thank you for a new day. Amen.
Pastor Roger Emmons
God’s name was placed upon us in our baptisms; we can never hear that reminder enough: we are God’s redeemed children. All this is because of God.