Isaiah 66:1-2
This is what the Lord says. The heavens are my throne, and the earth is a footstool under my feet. Where, then, is the house that you could build for me? Where, then, is a place that could serve as my resting place? For my hand made all these things, so all these things came into existence, declares the Lord. Yet this is the person I will watch over: the one who is afflicted and whose spirit is crushed, the one who trembles at my word.
Dear Heavenly Father,
What can people do to give you back to you? Everything we see around us is yours because you made it. We cannot contain you; as Isaiah said, heaven is your thrown and the earth your footstool. Forgive us when we become close-minded, thinking you are only with us on Sunday. It is foolish to consider we could confine you to a particular building, and it is only there once a week we can find you. You are not only in church on Sunday, but you are with us all week long. The weekly church service is a tremendous gift; you have given us to have places where we can meet you and receive our rest, and your word encourages us to do that. “Don’t give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing.”
You give rest to the person who has been accosted by their sins, that one who realizes their sin and the punishment they deserve. You promise to watch over that person afflicted and crushed by their sins. Lord, please don’t let me walk this earth unaware of my sins, but crush my spirit with your word make me tremble. Change my heart, so I know my need for my Savior. You sent your Son to redeem us. Jesus took away all sins that make us tremble with fear; in your word, you have assured forgiveness for all who believe in Jesus and that we will have everlasting life through faith in him.
Everything—the world and universe—is already yours. So let me declare your praise to the world for my forgiveness. Let my praise about you be my gift back to you because of what you have done for me. So many people walk around us without having a care for their sins; they are utterly unaware of hell’s danger that is waiting around the corner for them. Please grant me more opportunities to share the promise of Jesus’ forgiveness with others. Let my love’s declaration to you be my gift in return. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
What do you give the one who literally has everything? Your love! Tell others about God’s great things for you, like forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.