Daily Devotion-February 23, 2022

Daily Devotion-February 23, 2022

1 Peter 1:13-16

Therefore, after preparing your minds for action by exercising self-control, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. Rather, just as the one who called you is holy, so also be holy in everything you do. For it is written, “Be holy, because I am holy.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

As your faithful followers, give us a mindset that we can exercise self-control in all we do. Peter reminded us this is not something that just comes on our own, but it is revealed through Christ. We have your undeserved love through Jesus’ holy life and innocent death; he has secured our eternal life by forgiving our sins. Through faith, the Holy Spirit has created in us to deliver Jesus’ gift to us. Our thoughts are focused on you through faith rather than our evil desires to do whatever our mind thinks. Being faithful turns us from lawlessness to being obedient and no longer subject to sin but being your children. Being sin’s subjects means just following whatever our thoughts would have us do and ultimately just looking out for ourselves. Lord, you want us to love you above all other things and to love others as we love ourselves. In your holiness, you loved us perfectly, loving us when we should not have been loved. You demonstrated your love by sending your Son here to take all our sins to the cross, and there he declared us not guilty, and this was how you would have us serve others through forgiveness and love. So be with us that we live and share the same love and forgiveness you have loved us. And as we go about our day, give us opportunities to demonstrate that same love and forgiveness with those who may not know you. Send us your Spirit to increase our faith and love for you and share Jesus with them. Amen.

Written through Roger Emmons

Our minds are fashioned through our faith, and as our faith grows, our self-control also increases. We receive His forgiveness for all our sins and eternal life through God’s grace.