Ephesians 5:8
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul wrote not that we were in darkness, but we “were once darkness.” Since the fall of mankind into sin, darkness fell over this world, and we were part of that darkness. We wonder and ask how people can do some of the horrific things they do? The answer is sin. Before faith, we were darkness, no better than anyone else. People ask why did you allow evil to happen? The answer is: You never allowed it. You gave us your commands to love you above all other things and to love others as we would love ourselves. Those who reject you reject love and are in the world’s darkness, wanting only to satisfy their flesh’s desires, and we are surprised when someone harms others. This idea that you allow sin is the devil’s lie; he wants to make you seem like you don’t care.
But you do care. You gave your Son to die for all our sins and take them into himself; the light overcomes the darkness and swallows it up. When we walk by faith in you, everything is different. All because he suffered in our place on that cross. His death restored us to you that we are now light. Jesus sent us his Spirit to create faith in us, so we believe in the light and trust in Jesus—the light of the world. We, too, are light instructed to walk as children of light. To not chase after sinful desires, but step by faith in Jesus.
And just as there is light and darkness in the world, there is good and evil. You limit evil through the government’s laws to curb the darkness. Lord, we pray for those harmed by the world’s darkness, hear their cries, and restore them to you. And thank you for sending your light to us that we are now light in you; may we reflect your love to others that they may also walk as children of light. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Who would be left standing if God struck down every person with evil intent? He allows you to repent from your intentions and then forgives you all your sins to walk in the light out of his love.