Galatians 1:3-5
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father—to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us your love which we do not deserve. It’s through what Jesus has done that we receive peace from you as Paul wrote to the Galatians because Jesus came to rescue us from this present evil age. He saved us by living the perfect life, then dying on the cross; we have been forgiven. Our sins separated us from you, and there is no authentic peace without you. On our own, we might find a calmness after a project we have been tirelessly working over is complete or if we had a peaceful sleep. But we cannot have true peace without your forgiveness which comes from you; this was your salvational plan for us. The peace we have is more than just an earthly peace but a peace knowing we have been declared innocent. It is that peace in our soul, knowing that we will be with you when our last day comes to live in your glory forever. Therefore, as Paul wrote about the time he lived, our age is also an evil, lawless society, making us long to be home with you. Lord, thank you for numbering our days precisely according to your will. Thank you for your grace and peace that can only come from you, our God. Please send us your Spirit to strengthen our faith so we hold on to you through this life. Grant us opportunities to share the good news of your grace and peace with others. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God’s peace is more than to not worry about today. Instead, it is a calmness knowing that heaven is already yours, and we live our lives in anticipation for that day.