2 Samuel 7:22
Therefore, you are great, Lord God, because there is none like you. There is no God except you, in keeping with everything we have heard with our ears.
Dear Heavenly Father,
In David’s prayer, he spells out how exceptional you are. When we were trapped in our sin and troubles with no way to turn, you had a plan to save us. You gave us your word; we hear the promises you made to send a redeemer and then fulfilled those promises by sending your Son, Jesus. For all this, we thank you. While you keep and control all the universe, you also know what is happening in each of our lives. You know when we suffer from our sin, guilt, shame, and pain; before a word is even off our tongues, you already know what we will say. So you patiently wait for us to bring it before you. Your greatness does not mean fixing our every problem before it happens, but allowing things to transpire so we have to come to you. So in your plan to save us, none of us are forced to follow you, but you put everything in place to rescue all people. Therefore, you sent your Son who took on the world’s sins, all of them. Before that, he lived a life in complete perfection to your law, for us so we would be credited with his righteousness. Jesus died on the cross for us, so all who believe in him would also be raised to eternal life with him. These gifts are delivered to us by faith. Lord, you are a great God, and there is none like you. Let us testify to others about what you have done for us. Amen.
Written through Roger Emmons
Uniqueness: being one of a kind, unlike anything else. While our God is great, he is also unique. He comes to us, does everything to establish faith in us, and strengthens it through his word. So when we are broken, he heals and restores us.