Daily Devotion-March 29, 2022

Daily Devotion-March 29, 2022

Revelation 1:8

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, the one who is, and who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.

Dear Lord God,

You remind us that you are the creator; you brought everything we see around us and us into being. You are the great “I Am,” and because of you, we are here. You were here starting everything; you are here now and will still be here when our lives end, while we are only here traveling in life’s journey for a moment. So you created us to be with you, you gave us everything, but our sins destroyed our unity with you. Without you, we are stuck in our sins and on the highway leading to eternal suffering in hell. Suffering is not your will for us because you have said in your word, “you desire all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Sin separates us from you, and by rejecting your love, people choose to remain on hell’s highway. Being the one who is, was, and is coming means you have provided a way off hell’s express lane; Jesus willingly came to pay our toll to get off that road. It is by trusting that Jesus has paid our toll with his blood, and he has given us the exit. You are the Almighty who has defeated our sin, death, and Satan nothing keeps a person on that road other than them not believing they can exit. Some even fight the steering wheel, trying to get them to turn in a new direction (the Holy Spirit trying to establish faith in their hearts). Still, they think they are good because they believe in a higher power and fight to stay their course.

Lord, thank you for creating faith in me to know and realize my sin. So that I see my sin knowing I need you who is, was, and is coming, the Almighty. I am a sinner, and I need Jesus, my Savior. I know I need the Holy Spirit, who has started faith in me and continues to strengthen my trust in you. I pray for those who are still in the express lane that they will stop rejecting faith and turn to you.

Lord, this is my plea that I can share the good news of Jesus’ message with someone today, perhaps kindle that spark so they will trust you and make their exit. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, it is now and will be forever. Amen.