Daily Devotion-March 31, 2022

Daily Devotion-March 31, 2022

Psalm 33:20-22

Our souls wait for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. Yes, in him our heart rejoices, because we trust in his holy name. May your mercy, O Lord, be on us, even as we wait confidently for you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are often like children who have been promised to go to an amusement park to ride the newest ride. They bounce around the house anxiously waiting to go, and then the day arrives. They can’t wait to get on that ride, and they jump from rail to rail in the waiting stanchions, talking about how wonderful it will be. Then their parent says, “Be patient! We will be there soon.” Give us the strength to wait confidently for you in our life’s stanchions. We have no idea what today will bring, much less tomorrow. Still, we know that you will guard and shield us while we are on this earth. You have given us a time of grace, which is a short span of life to love and serve you and others.

Lord, while we maneuver through our maze of life, we have opportunities to create friendships with others. So, while we are here, it is time for us to get busy telling others about what you have done for us. Faith is the pivotal factor in our salvation; this separates the believers from unbelievers. We are all alike when it comes to being sinners; we all have sins that divide us from you. You have said the wages of sin is death. However, because we trust what Jesus has done—lived the perfect life, suffered for our sins, gave up his life, and then rose from death—we, too, will have eternal life. Our salvation is why we rejoice in you and share this good news with others. The love you have given us changes our hearts from hating you to loving you. So we know the peace, joy, and hope delivered to us in faith, we patiently and confidently make our way through this life’s stanchion. For all who trust in you and Jesus, ours ends at heaven’s gate, where we join you for eternity. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

When you get to the end of life’s maze, it is the opening gate to heaven for all who believe that Jesus has forgiven their sins. His forgiveness is for you; trust in his holy name and wait confidently.