Hebrews 4:16
So let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for sending us your Son to take away our sins and restore us to you. Jesus came so we can come to you with all that we need; he suffered and died on the cross removing all the sins that keep us from you. He is our great high priest who intercedes for us; he made himself the sacrifice that paid sin’s debt. Through faith, this gift of forgiveness and restoration is given to us. In faith, we receive your righteousness—being made right with you.
We will struggle in this life; challenges will come our way. However, we can confidently come before you for Jesus’ sake; what he did to restore us to you. Through the cross, we receive your mercy—not given what we deserve but shown love despite who we are. He has also delivered your grace to us. All this defies human understanding that you would show us your compassion so that we can come before you. So we say thank you for your love and forgiveness.
Lord, we pray for opportunities to share your love with others who do not know you. So they, too, may come before you in faith to receive your mercy and grace. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God has done everything to restore us to him. Now, he wants us to trust him, come to him, and bring all our cares to him because he sincerely cares for us.