Daily Devotion-April 26, 2022

Daily Devotion-April 26, 2022

Revelation 1:8 

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, the one who is, and who was, and who is coming, the Almighty.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before you in complete humility and love, realizing the magnitude of who you are. You are the one who created time, space, and matter; being the Alpha and Omega, you are the first and last of everything. Lord, when we consider how enormous you are, we realize how small and insignificant we should be before you. However, that is not so. While you are vast and greater than the universe, you are also very personal, close, and intimate with us. So while you provide for your creation all the food, water, and air it needs to survive, you also take care of our every need in the present. From the beginning, you loved your creation, and when we fell into sin, you promised to send a Savior to redeem us from all our sins. That was Jesus; he took the world’s sins to the cross and paid the penalty for our every sin So that we have the hope and promise of everlasting life in the days to come. It is ours through faith. You have also promised to end all this on that final judgment day which is still coming. So please keep us firmly grounded in you and your love. So, we will continue to be with you when our end arrives. We ask that you would forgive all our sins for Jesus’ sake; so they will not separate us from you; please send your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith because it is through faith we believe in you.

Lord, we look to the future with anticipation of what will come and pray that you would send workers out to reach those who have not yet heard your word. Out of love for what you have done for us, let us share our peace of forgiveness, the promise of salvation, and the insurance of our eternal life with them. Amen

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Look to your end with anticipation, knowing Jesus has forgiven you. Through faith, we are saved, and he will take you with him. What seems like your end will be a new beginning in heaven.