Daily Devotion-May16, 2022

Daily Devotion-May16, 2022

Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Dear Heavenly Father,

On our own, we have no strength; we need you. This world brings all its troubles at us, and we are defenseless on our own, left with our sin and guilt. We are not only weak, but we are powerless. We get our strength and might from Jesus. Jesus went to the cross and defeated sin, death, and the Devil for us. Through trusting in Jesus, his work—the perfect life, suffering, and innocent death—forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life are ours. He has done everything to restore us to you, so we live our lives through faith. Only through faith in you we now stand up against Satan in all that he has to throw at us because we no longer face him on our own; you are with us. You are always with us. We pray for the strength you have promised to endure throughout today and every day. We also pray for your confidence to share the good news of the forgiveness with others who would not otherwise know you. Thank you for giving us this strength and mighty power. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The Devil, the world, and your thoughts want you to believe you are weak by relying upon God. Don’t listen to that lie! Because with God in your corner, you are mighty. So be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.