Daily Devotion-May 19, 2022

Daily Devotion-May 19, 2022

1 Timothy 2:5-6

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for being our mediator between the Father and us. What was it about us that you would save us? Nothing in us! We fail at the perfection demanded of us, and often we are not very loving towards others or you. However, despite knowing our every flaw and sin, you carried your salvational plan out for us. You did this out of your love. You lived your life without sin and then credited us your perfection. Also, we were under our sin’s punishment. In Romans, Paul wrote, “the wages of sin is death.” And you paid that wage for our sins on the cross with your death. But, Paul didn’t end there; he also added, “but the gift of God is eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus.” So through faith in you, we trust you paid the price for our sins. You stand in the breach between the Father and us as our ransom paid. For those who believe and trust in you, these gifts, forgiveness, and life become ours. Nothing makes us in the least bit worthy except the ransom you paid and the forgiveness you declared to everyone. We were all in the same sinking ship but rescued and delivered to safety by you. Please strengthen our faith so we will hold fast to you in trust and faith. Grant us opportunities to point others to you, the mediator for them, so they will also have eternal life. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Realize that everyone is broken, but Jesus paid our ransom with his life, giving himself in our place, so forgiveness of sins and eternal life are ours.