Daily Devotion-May20, 2022

Daily Devotion-May20, 2022

Psalm 65:5-8 

In righteousness, you answer us with awesome deeds, O God who saves us. He is trusted by all the farthest ends of the earth and the sea. He establishes the mountains by his power. He has wrapped himself with strength. He stills the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the turmoil of the peoples. Those living at the ends of the earth fear your signs. From sunrise to sunset, you let them shout for joy.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We see your wondrous deeds before us; how you can change a landscape with a single event. The rush of an overfilled river from the spring thaw and rains can mark out and change a river’s channel. The blast of a volcano can devastate the landscape and either establish a new mountain or reduce an old one. The winds and rains of a hurricane can change a coastline. At the same time, spring thunderstorms and tornados can pull up hundred-year-old trees along with their roots. Nowhere on the earth are people immune to weather, and they fear it when it comes.

Through the flood, you saved eight people when the world was filled with evil. You restored the earth, and through that remnant, you sent your Son, Jesus, to save us from all our sins. When Jesus was with the disciples on the sea, he calmed the water instantly with just his word. Likewise, he calms our fears when troubles might strike us. We have peace through Jesus. Father, thank you for sending Jesus to calm all sins’ turmoil, so we know we have been forgiven by his suffering and death on the cross; our guilt for what we have done he has taken with him. In his resurrection, we have the promise of everlasting life and the hope of salvation. Let us shout for joy for all the great things you have done for us and share the good news of our peace with others. Let us tell them about their forgiveness through Jesus. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Through Jesus, we are made right with God; through faith, which the Holy Spirit begins in us, so we believe. And we believe in what Jesus has done, restoring us to the Father.