Psalm 8:1
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Set this glory of yours above the heavens.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your name—O Lord, our Lord—is to be glorified above everything else you have made. There is nothing on this earth that is more majestic than you. You are our Lord. So, what does this mean? You are to be revered as greater than everything on, under, or above the earth. Your glory is greater than the heavens. We could think of the power of a great waterfall; you are grander than that. Or seeing the beauty of an ocean sunrise or dazzling colors of a mountain sunset, and you exceed that. But in all your majesty and power, you are still concerned for people. When we became trapped in our sins, you did not leave us; instead came up with your plan of salvation. What is it about us that you would still love us? Especially when we take you and your gifts for granted. It demonstrates your love for us; when we were loveless, you loved us even more. You sent your Son to take our punishment into himself in our place; this was your plan of salvation. Jesus restored us to you when we were unlovable. You decided to rescue us. Lord, thank you for saving me from all my sins; I know how great and grievous my sins are, and yet you loved me despite it all; this is why your glory is greater than the heavens. Be with me today that I would have the opportunity and courage to share your love and majesty with someone who still does not know you; so they can also share in your forgiveness. Amen
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God not only rescues us but also begins in us the faith to believe we are saved. That is a name greater than every other name—O Lord, our Lord.