Psalm 33:20-22
Our souls wait for the Lord. He is our help and our shield. Yes, in him, our heart rejoices because we trust in his holy name. May your mercy, O Lord, be on us, even as we wait confidently for you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray that you would direct the subject of our faith toward Jesus, our Savior. So that in everything we do while we are here, we would do with the anticipation of Jesus second coming, and as we go through today, may it bring us one day closer to being with you in eternity. So let us be patient as we prepare our hearts and souls for that day. Thank you for the reminder that we have your help and protection to get us to the end. With this psalm, we rejoice in the salvation Jesus has won for us, according to your love and mercy. Jesus came here; he suffered and died for us because we were buried in our sins with no way out. Jesus removed them with his innocent suffering and death. Through your Spirit, we trust Jesus has forgiven us for our every sin; so, we rejoice in this, knowing we have been restored to you. Therefore, we pray with this psalm that your mercy will remain with us. There is nothing we have done to deserve your compassion, and that is the point of mercy—you take away the punishment we deserve and give us the eternal life we do not deserve. We ask you to forgive us when our confidence is shaken and, through your word, strengthen our faith while we wait so we will never turn from you.
Lord, we also ask for opportunities to share the hope we have in Christ so that through sharing your gospel, seeds of faith may be planted, and many others will come to know you and wait patiently with us. The greater number of people who believe in you, the more we can encourage one another to hold fast to you. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Through faith, we believe Jesus is our Savior, he died for our sins to restore us to God, and through faith, we also receive the patience we need to navigate this life to make it to the end. Rejoice in God’s mercy for you. Jesus’ forgiveness is yours through faith.