Daily Devotion-August 17, 2022

Daily Devotion-August 17, 2022

Psalm 16:8

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please strengthen our faith so that we constantly set you before ourselves. So that in every situation, whether good or bad, we see you always at our side. It is there we have the confidence to make it through whatever we might be enduring. When we set you before us, we also have your Son and Spirit, and it is only through their work that we can set you before us. Our sinful nature creates a great divide between you and us; you are holy, and we are sinful. Jesus covered our sins with his atoning blood; we are restored to you through his perfect life and innocent death. Through faith started by your Spirit, the gift of Jesus’ forgiveness is delivered to us, and you see us as holy without sin. Since you provide the way for us to remove our sin’s bondage, we can be confident that you will also be with us in every other situation. Whether it is suffering, temptation, tragedy, or happiness, through faith, we are convinced that you are with us to see us through everything, so with David, we confidently pray that we will not be shaken.

Lord, many others around us do not know you. When their worlds are turned upside down, they have nowhere to turn. So, we pray for a chance to share our hope with them, and they will also know about the Savior’s love and mercy. Through the peace of forgiveness, they will also set you before themselves and not be shaken when troubles come their way. Lord, we thank you for making these occasions happen for us. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

When God is the “why” of your motivation—the why you do what you do, you can also be confident that the results will be accomplished according to God’s will. Place God before you, he will also be at your side, and you will not be shaken.