Daily Devotion-October 29, 2022

Daily Devotion-October 29, 2022

Isaiah 40:8

Grass withers, flowers fade, but the Word of our God endures forever.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the seasons and the changing weather. Even in places where they do not have as predominant season changes, there still is the flower that blooms and then fades. Lord, the changing seasons, the withering grass, or fading flower reminds us of the changing seasons in our lives and our bodies withering, an effect of sin in our life—age. Not one of us is perfect; you tell us the wage of sin is death, but your undeserved gift is eternal life. All of us feel and see our bodies aging; eventually, these bodies will wear out and be put in the grave. The change of seasons reminds us of our sins and their effects on us; what a blessing that your Word endures forever because there we hear of the undeserved gift of eternal life that is ours through faith in Jesus. In your Word, you tell us about your love in action. You sent your Son to pay the punishment for our sins, and he willingly went to that cross. There, Jesus defeated sin, death, and the devil; Jesus won our victory on the cross. As winter will soon come, and the snow falls on the withered grass, that blanket of snow is like Jesus’ righteousness covering our sins. Lord, thank you for your forgiveness; you have covered us with your undeserved love. Thank you for your Word never changing. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

God’s Word endures forever, so no matter what may seem to change in this world, we are confident that God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness will never change.