Daily Devotion-November 11, 2022

Daily Devotion-November 11, 2022

Colossians 3:16-17

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, with gratitude in your hearts to God. And everything you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Every one of us is plagued with sin and our selfish desire to take care of ourselves over everyone else. Our sins should condemn us, and we should be eternally punished to suffer in hell for every loveless act we do; this should be our fate. However, Jesus suffered and died for every sin of every person, so salvation is possible for all people. This gift of life comes to us through faith in the forgiveness Jesus won on the cross.

The word of Christ that Paul wrote about is love, which comes to us through forgiveness. However, so many want to use this message of love as a license to do whatever they want. However, that is the opposite of what Paul wrote to the Colossian church. We are not serving others lovingly by allowing them to sin against you or someone else intentionally and say nothing. So be with us, train us through your word that we acknowledge our sins before you and ask for your forgiveness. Then when we see a brother or sister erring, give us your words to gently educate them to repent and turn to Jesus’ cross to receive his forgiveness. So we can rejoice together, knowing and trusting the forgiveness we have been given through Christ.

Our forgiveness is no minor miracle, you gave your Son to save us, and in our baptismal waters, our sins were forgiven, and faith began. So we thank you for giving us eternal life and salvation. May our response of thanksgiving be shared with those who do not yet know you. So that they, too, will learn of your love and forgiveness. Amen

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

When you realize God pulled you from the devastation of your sins because  Jesus took that mountain of sin from you, how can you not respond with rejoicing and thanksgiving? To God be the Glory for the great things he has done!