1 Corinthians 2:9-11
But as it is written: What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceived—that is what God has prepared for those who love him. But God revealed it to us through his Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. Indeed, who among men knows a man’s thoughts except the man’s spirit within him? So also, no one else knows God’s thoughts except God’s Spirit.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us your salvation. Stepping back and looking at your plan, there is no way the human mind would have ever contrived it. To have God the Son become part of humanity, and live among us so we would be forgiven, goes contrary to our nature. If it had been up to people to record heaven’s entrance rules, our sinful condition would have made the requirements more selective. We would have set this up not free but with a price and made it complete with checklists, VIP members, only those who look and think like us, and the like. But it’s not!
You sent your Son here because of our sin, and heaven is ours by faith (in Jesus) which comes to us by the Spirit. And what is it that is ours? The forgiveness of sins your Son won for us on the cross. Your Spirit reveals the love and forgiveness you have for us. Everyone feels the weight of their sins and is accountable for them; therefore, Jesus suffered the punishment on the cross to forgive us. And by not rejecting your Spirit, who wants all people to know you, they are forgiven, and sin’s debt is paid in full.
Lord, you know all my thoughts and how my sins stop me from forgiving and loving others as you would have me love them. So first, forgive me for my every sin, and then I pray that out of love for what Jesus has done for me, you would give me the strength to forgive those close to me in every way they hurt or caused me suffering. Let me share the same love Jesus has shown me. I also pray for an opportunity to share the forgiveness and love you have for people with someone who does not know you. Please work through me to share your gospel message with them so they will have eternal life. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Heaven comes to everyone by faith in Jesus; Jesus suffered and died for all our sins. God’s salvational plan was not made up by people but given to us by the Holy Spirit, and it is yours through faith.