Isaiah 9:2
The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. For those living in the land of the shadow of death, the light has dawned.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We pray that your light will shine on all people. We live in this world filled with the darkness of sin, and we walk in the shadow of death every day. Moreover, as we live in an information age, we pray that this message of your light will shine on those who feel alone, trapped in their sins, suffering with the guilt of the past and unresolved words they said; we pray for your light to go out into the world. We all miss the mark of loving you above all other things and loving those around us. For this reason, you sent us the light of the world—your Son, Jesus. He brought the forgiveness we need for all the selfish, prideful, and sinful things we do, which leaves all in sin’s darkness. However, through the words Jesus preached, he showed us our sins, and we realized how desperate we are to be saved; we cannot do it on our own we need our Savior. Thank you for sending Jesus; he pointed all to repentance and forgiveness and then willingly suffered and died on the cross in our place; he took our sins into himself as our Savior. He also credited us with the perfect life he lived; so that you see us as perfect. In your eyes, we are forgiven and perfect. And faith in Jesus trusts the work he completed, and we know we are restored to you. The world has seen a great light, and we pray for opportunities to share your love and forgiveness with someone who does not know you. Please allow us to share this good news with others today that your light will shine on them. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Step into the light of God’s love. Let go of all your sins and guilt because Jesus has forgiven you.