Daily Devotion-February 27, 2023

Daily Devotion-February 27, 2023

2 Corinthians 7:10

In fact, godly sorrow produces repentance, which leads to salvation, leaving no regret. On the other hand, worldly sorrow produces death.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Sin can be terrifying, especially when we realize we deserve to suffer in hell for eternity. It is there where faith begins, and for many, this might seem very counterintuitive—this does not make sense.

Struggles come to us because of our sinful selves; we are discontent and feel like something is missing. So we chase after anything that might seem to overcome that emptiness. Without you, there is this vacuum, so the “anything” we try to fill it could be jobs, families, addictions, aspirations, and the list could continue. These become the personal gods we worship.

However, with faith, you fill that void; and while we battle between our will and serving your will, you promise to give us the way out of these struggles and forgive us when we fail. When we realize our sin, we will also know we need a Savior, and as Paul wrote, godly sorrow produces repentance; this is where we ask for your forgiveness for whatever struggles we are suffering. Although we do not deserve it, you forgive us when we ask you for forgiveness because Jesus paid for all our sins when he went to the cross—his suffering and death for all, paid our death penalty. Also, as Paul wrote, this leads to salvation. So we are restored to you through Jesus’ work—his holy life and innocent death on the cross.

Paul also reminds us that someone can be sorry, but if they do not trust you, their sorrow still leads to death. On the other hand, faith leads us to trust in Jesus as our Savior, and his forgiveness unlocks the gate to heaven. Lord, if it is your will, please allow us to share the good news of repentance and forgiveness with someone who does not know Jesus so that your Holy Spirit will work in their hearts to begin that life-changing and saving faith in them. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Jesus’ forgiveness is for all people—the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit—every other sin Jesus forgives. Faith begun by the Holy Spirit believes in Jesus’ love and asks him for forgiveness; this is godly sorrow. Therefore, salvation starts here.