Daily Devotion-March 21, 2023

Daily Devotion-March 21, 2023

Ephesians 1:7 

In him, we also have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in keeping with the riches of his grace.

Dear Lord Jesus,

As Paul wrote to the Ephesians, it is in you that your blood redeems us. On our own, we are utterly lost in our sins; there is no way to save ourselves. We cannot work off our sins because each sin carries an eternal death sentence once they are committed. “For the wages of sin is death, but the underserved gift of God is eternal life.” We might even think I am a pretty good person, but pretty good does not make the cut. So you told us, “So then be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” James wrote, “In fact, whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles in one point has become guilty of breaking all of it.” Without you, our conscience carries the weight of our sins for everything we think, say, and do.

So we thank you for all that you have done for us because, with you, we are not on our own. You carried out the plan of salvation for the human race, becoming part of creation to live perfectly under the law. Then you credit all who believe in you with your perfection. It is a gift not bought with gold or silver but with your precious blood. You suffered our punishment upon the cross, but it was not just our punishment; it was for the entire world, spanning all generations so that not one person would be left out. If that were not enough, you gave up your life on the cross, paying our eternal death penalty; three days later, you rose from the dead, so we have the assurance that the Father accepted your payment. On that cross, you redeemed and forgave us all our sins. So that there is not one sin left unpunished; all our guilt and shame you took into yourself. And all this comes to each person through faith in you.

Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy—not punishing us and, in its place, giving us the peace of forgiveness. And all this gift you have done not because we deserve it, but out of your love for all mankind. Because as you had written in your word, “As I live, declares the Lord God, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from their way and live.” So we ask that with your gift of salvation, we will have opportunities to share this good news of forgiveness and eternal life with those we come into contact with today; so that they, too, will believe you have redeemed them by your precious holy blood. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

You are not alone; Jesus has already paid for your sins; you are forgiven for all your guilt and shame, and the gift of salvation awaits you. Believe in Jesus, and you will be saved.