Psalm 30:4-5
Make music to the Lord, you his favored ones, and give thanks when you remember his holiness, for we spend a moment under his anger, but we enjoy a lifetime in his favor. In the evening, weeping comes to stay through the night, but in the morning, there is rejoicing!
Dear Lord Jesus,
When we were young, the end of life seemed so distant in time, but our lives will end in a blink of an eye. So we thank You for all You have done for us: for coming to this world, removing our sins, and returning us to a proper state with the Father through faith in You. We are here on this earth only a moment compared to the eternity we will spend with you in heaven, where we will enjoy that heavenly eternity because you took all our sins to the cross for us.
May we make music and sing for joy for all the great things you have done for us. Because of our sinful natures, we started this life as your enemies, but faith began in us when someone shared your word and promise of forgiveness. Through this life, we battle sin as we are both sinners and saints so that tears will be shed along our earthly journey. However, once we reach heaven, all tears will be over, and we will rejoice in heaven with you.
Jesus, let our songs of praise for you be heard by those who do not know you. That they, too, may come to realize you; and share our peace, hope, and joy you have won for us in forgiveness. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Know what Jesus has done for you: forgiving all your sins, restoring you to the Father, and granting you peace of eternal life. Therefore, sing with thanksgiving.