Daily Devotion-May 1, 2023

Daily Devotion-May 1, 2023

Luke 12:32

Do not be afraid, little flock, because your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.

Dear Heavenly Father,

The kingdom of heaven is challenging to grasp fully, perhaps because we are only wandering this earth, and You give us our small parts to manage. Yet when we get to heaven, we are not just bystanders that stand along the outside; You have given us the kingdom—it will be ours. By faith in our Savior Jesus, heaven has been made ours because He came to this earth and paid the ransom for all our sins when He suffered and died on the cross. Yet You have already given us Your kingdom, meaning we no longer need to be anxious about any lack we might face while we wander this earth; if You did not spare Your Son for our salvation, how much more will You not also take care of our physical care? Challenges will still come our way in this journey, but we have the confidence knowing You will sustain us; whether with a little or a lot, You will take care of our needs. So we thank You today for blessing us with the forgiveness of all our sins, restoring us to You. Also, thank You for the blessings You have given us to sustain our walk. Let Your gracious hand of blessing motivate us to tell others about Your love and the forgiveness Jesus won for them and us; so that they, too, will believe, know, and trust in You. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The forgiveness of sins gives you everything; it is the key to heaven. So when you become anxious about this life, give that to the one who has unlocked heaven’s gate for you—Jesus. Trust in his love for you.