Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look on you with favor and give you peace.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You gave these words to Moses and Aaron, telling them that with them they were to bless Your people by putting Your name upon them—all who believe in You. These words pull the curtain back to allow us a glimpse of you; through them, we know your will for us.
Out of your love, you desire to provide and care for us; we are very vulnerable to the many things in this world that can cause us so much misery, pain, and suffering. We live in a world devastated by sin; sickness and disease can overtake our bodies, incapacitate us, and even take our temporal lives. The world challenges us with all its strife, wanting to frustrate our lives and efforts. However, no matter what the world throws at us, you have promised here to bless and keep us. You still provide for us through Your love, and we must remember that You limit all evil that comes our way.
We are not innocent in this world, innocently suffering just the effects of sin in our lives. Instead, we are also affected by our sins, those things we think, say, and do. What a blessing we have that because of Your love, Your Son suffered in our place to remove all our sins. Jesus removed that shadow of death that was always looming over us because of our sins; we are now kept in your underserved love since Jesus has forgiven our debt of sin. We deserve only punishment from you, but instead, we are forgiven.
This gift of forgiveness comes to us by faith in you, and we enjoy your favor there; this is no small thing. Because, by faith, we are restored to you and have peace as your adopted children and heirs of heaven. This blessing is your will for all people, but it only comes by faith in Jesus, so we ask that you would allow us to share the good news about your love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness with someone who does not know you so they, too, will be blessed by you. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God’s will is to love you so you love him in return; he comes to you to forgive you all your sins so that by trusting in him, he gives you eternal life, peace, and the sure hope of heaven.