Psalm 32:1-2
How blessed is the person whose rebellion is forgiven, whose sin is covered. How blessed is the person whose guilt the Lord does not charge against him, in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we have to see our sins. We can try to hide them from the world or cover them up by comparing ourselves to others, “See, at least my sins are not as bad as that person’s.” Or trying to work off all our sins somehow, “If I do more good things than bad.” Or “Tomorrow, I will be better.” We can try to justify ourselves for what we have done; however, in the end, our sins are still there and left unforgiven; those sins will result in eternal death and suffering. We are all accountable for what we have done; by nature, our consciences hold each of us responsible for what we do. On our own, we cannot appease you, justify ourselves, or reverse the sins we have committed.
But as David wrote in this Psalm, blessed is the person whose rebellion is forgiven. Lord, your plan of salvation was sending your Son here to live the perfect life and then redeem us of all our sins. Jesus came to this world to live under the law perfectly in our place; then, he took every one of our sins to the cross with him. His blood and righteousness have covered all our rebellion and sin. Including every time we do not trust you and want to do things our way; Jesus took every one of our sins to the cross for us. He paid the price for our sins; you no longer see our sins when you look at us. You charged them against Jesus; now there is no deceit in those who trust in Jesus.
We receive this gift all through faith, knowing that Jesus has died for our sins and has taken them all into himself—faith created by your Spirit. Please send us your Spirit today to strengthen our trust in you. So that out of love for you, we can love others and share this good news of Jesus’ forgiveness with them so they, too, will be blessed and have eternal life. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
We realize how blessed we are: when we see what we deserve instead, we receive Jesus’ forgiveness, life, and salvation. So yes, we are blessed!