Psalm 111:7-10
The works of his hands are truth and justice. All his precepts are trustworthy, steadfast forever and ever, done in truth and uprightness. He sent redemption for his people. He commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. All who do his precepts have good understanding. His praise stands forever.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the ways you come to us in truth and justice. The world wants to say there is no absolute truth; it is only subject to a person’s thoughts and feelings. So that each person can have their own set of truths, yet you have given each of us a conscience that coincides with your precepts—your commandments.
If we could live according to our consciences, everything would be well. However, the problem is this: sin is in the world, and we all want to serve our selfish desires; each person feels the brunt of sin’s lies and chaos. When we go against our conscience, we feel guilt and shame about what we have done; often, we want to hide that sin from others. The more significant problem is that we cannot keep your precepts on our own because of sin; we need you.
You sent your Son to redeem us of all our sins. We cannot take away the sins of others, but Jesus can and has forgiven them and us. You sent your Son to redeem us of all our sins. He suffered our punishment on the cross for each of our sins, so we have been completely forgiven. This gift of forgiveness comes to each of us by faith, delivered by your Spirit through your Word. The sins that separated us from you are gone. Out of faith, we can love you and others as you have told us. For Jesus’ sake, we are forgiven, and in turn, we forgive others when they sin against us. True wisdom knows we are saved by Jesus’ perfect life and innocent death.
Since we are reunited with you, we praise and thank you for all you have done. Let our joy spill over into all aspects of our life to be a testament to what you have done for us. So that others who do not know you might also hear about the peace of forgiveness we have, and they will come to know your wisdom and truth through faith in Jesus. Amen
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God works in truth and justice; he is absolute truth and serves perfect justice. But he is also slow to anger and merciful so that he gives each their time of grace to know him. Knowing God is where wisdom lies; know he has forgiven you, and trust that he restored you as his child.