Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for today’s words; they are a reminder that You are the one who blesses each of us with another day of grace, and we live under Your care in Your mercy. You provide for all people; You cause the sun to shine and the rain to fall on believers and unbelievers alike, but there is special care for those who place their hope and confidence in You and Your Son. By the work of Your Spirit, we know, believe, and trust in the forgiveness that Jesus won for us on the cross. While You intend this for all people, it comes to those who cling to You in faith, and knowing we have all our sins forgiven today because of what Jesus has done, in this, we rejoice. Because knowing you have forgiven us, we can let go of all our past sins and all the guilt and shame that accompanied them. You have pardoned us from all our sins, and this is your will for us to be with you in heaven. So for Jesus’ sake—his holy life, innocent suffering, and death—we pray that you would forgive us all our sins out of your love and mercy. Strengthen our faith today so that we have the assurance of our sins removed forever. Let us rejoice in this day by sharing the good news of your love and forgiveness with those who struggle with the sins of their past so that they will know you love them and have forgiven them. Please allow their faith to begin and grow in Christ so that they, too, will be with you in heaven on the last day. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Know the love God has for you: he has removed your every sin, so you no longer have to carry your guilt and shame; it is the peace of Jesus’ forgiveness that you are restored to the Father, and it is in faith you receive all His good and gracious gifts.