1 Corinthians 1:9
God is faithful, who called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for being faithful to us even when we are not faithful to you. Your plan of salvation was to restore us to You by sending Your Son so that whoever believes in Jesus’ work is in fellowship with Him. Since he is united to You, as one God and Lord; therefore, we are also joined to You.
Sin divides and pushes us from You since You are a holy God; we cannot—on our own—be in Your presence. Yet Your desire was for all people to be with You for eternity. So Jesus willingly and faithfully came to this earth to become part of creation; He lived a life of perfect love that we could not live. Then, as an innocent man went to the cross, He took all our sins into Himself and became sin for us. He suffered our punishment—the separation from You we should face. After He paid for our sins, He willingly gave up his life to defeat death for us. So, by believing in Jesus—through faith—we are linked to His death and resurrection.
Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to begin faith in us so that by trusting in what Jesus has done, we have become in fellowship with Him and You.
Once again, we say thank You. As we begin a new day, we pray that You will wash away every sin for Jesus’ sake and give us the confidence that our debt of sin is completely gone. Then we ask that Your Holy Spirit will strengthen our faith to have complete confidence in Jesus so we have fellowship with Him and You.
Let our reaction be one of love for You, that we share our faith and fellowship with those who do not know You, that through the Holy Spirit’s work, they, too, will have a confident hope of salvation and spend eternity with You, their heavenly Father. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God is faithful in grace. He has made salvation available for everyone, but that gift is delivered through faith, which the Holy Spirit begins. So that through faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, you are forgiven and have eternal life.