Romans 6:4
We were therefore buried with him by this baptism into his death, so that just as he was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too would also walk in a new life.
Dear Lord Jesus,
A chain is a mighty tool we use to do lots of different things, from tying up a dog to pulling out a stump. Each link gives the chain its strength and its flexibility. As the saying goes, you are only as strong as the weakest link. When we are linked to You, You give the link all the strength, but we bring its weakness. We can always reject Your love and mercy, but we pray that we will hold to and remember our baptisms.
Our baptisms have such an extraordinary purpose because they link us to You. As Paul wrote—by the Holy Spirit’s power—for all who were baptized into You were baptized into Your death. Your death defeated sin, death, and the Devil; all these are now powerless against us because our baptisms link us to You. So there in the waters of our baptism, sin is washed away. Because of our baptisms, while we will one day endure this body’s temporal death, we will not suffer permanent, eternal death separated from You. Also, Satan cannot harm us because we are linked to You, so he can destroy this earth and all that is around us. We are still safe in Your arms.
Lord, this life can be challenging, especially when we suffer such tragic loss of family and loved ones. Please give us comfort in these verses that in their baptisms and by their faith, they were also linked to You and are home with You; to never suffer or feel any more pain because they have already been raised to walk in a new life with You. It is glorious to be connected to You so that by faith, we know our sins are forgiven and we are saved. Please give us windows of opportunity to share the good news of Your love and forgiveness with those who do not know You. Use us to share the message of the gospel with others so that they will be baptized, faith will begin in them, and they will have eternal life, all for Your name’s sake. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
Through your baptism and by faith, you are linked to Christ. He has forgiven you and united you to the Heavenly Father.