2 Peter 1:19-21
We also have the completely reliable prophetic word. You do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts, since we know this above all else: No prophecy of Scripture comes about from someone’s own interpretation. In fact, no prophecy ever came by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were being carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Many question the validity of your word and protest against it because the men who wrote it were sinners like us. No one is indeed innocent, but Peter’s words, which the Holy Spirit had him write, give us the answer.
You had the Old Testament prophets testify against Your people because they turned from You and worshipped idols; they did detestable things like sacrificing their children to those idols. So Your prophets warned them to return to You, or they would be taken captive. The words You gave them came true repeatedly; history has proved the reliability of those prophecies. They also promised you would send a Messiah, your anointed one, your Son; he would be born of a virgin in the city of David—Bethlehem and Jesus came. He was born of Mary in Bethlehem and was despised by many.
As Peter wrote, Your word is reliable, so it does good for us to pay attention to it as a lamp shining in a dark place. We get burdened with our sins; they weigh us down, we feel entangled, and we realize the darkness of our sins. Guilt and shame for our actions can make our lives unbearable. But in Your reliable Word, we hear of the forgiveness that Jesus won for us when he went to the cross and was pierced for our iniquities; because of Your grace and mercy, we have complete forgiveness for all our sins.
Please forgive us for Jesus’ sake; remove our guilt and shame according to Your love and mercy; give us faith to know Your will for us and share it with those who do not recognize You so that they, too, will have faith in You, in your forgiveness, and have eternal life because your word is true. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God’s word is more than just a list of right and wrongs. It is God’s plan of salvation for you how we needed a Savior because we fail miserably, and he sent His Son to save us from all our sins.