Psalm 107:8-9
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his mercy and his wonderful deeds for all people, because he satisfies the desire of the thirsty, and he fills the desire of the hungry with good things.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Your goodness and care are not for just believers but for all people. You provide the world with all its food, and we thank You for all Your blessings. You have given the earth water and food to overcome our hunger and thirst.
Yet, more importantly, you also provide for the world what is needed for our souls; our souls can feel thirsty and empty. You sent Your Son to be the living water and bread for all people, which our souls need to be refreshed like our bodies.
Water removes waste that can harm us and moves nutrients inside us. Jesus, our living water, removes sin in us with his forgiveness and restores our souls with the nutrients of his mercy. For those who believe in him, there is eternal life, but those who reject his love and mercy remain in their sins.
As the living bread, Jesus fills us with nutrients; it is his love, grace, and mercy we need for our souls to allow them to grow stronger in faith. With our sins washed away, our souls can grow in faith with the Holy Spirit working in us.
Your living water and bread are for all people, but it only comes through faith in Christ. No one is forced to believe, but it is available for them, ready to be delivered by the Holy Spirit when they stop rejecting Your love.
Lord, use us, your believers, to share the good news of your love with those who do not know you so that their souls will be filled with all your goodness. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
God provides food and water for the world, and he offers spiritual food and water for all people. Know that Jesus has already forgiven you so that you will have eternal life by believing in him.