Time for Grace-November 27, 2023

Time for Grace-November 27, 2023

Isaiah 51:6

Lift up your eyes to the heavens. Look closely at the earth beneath because the heavens will vanish like smoke, and the earth will wear out like a garment, and its inhabitants will die like gnats. But my salvation will remain forever, and my righteousness will never be abolished.

Dear Heavenly Father,

When we look around us at the sky and the earth, it is hard to imagine all this will one day be gone in a flash. All we see around us is temporary; it might feel and seem to have permanence, but it will vanish and wear out. Perhaps it is good to know that this world and its wicked ways will not remain forever. So, You are patient in keeping Your word so that no believer will be lost.

 You tell us Your salvation remains forever. You sent Your Son to become part of this created order, to live under the law in perfection. We could never keep it because of our sinful natures; we are loveless towards You and those around us—even our thoughts deceive us. You knew what we needed: a Savior from sin, death, and the devil. So Jesus willingly came to this world and defeated them all for us, as he lived the perfect life, suffered at men’s hands, died on that cross, and then rose victoriously from the grave. So that by faith, we have righteousness.

We are made right with You by faith in Jesus. So while the heaven and earth will pass away, Your grace, love, and mercy will never leave us; as Isaiah wrote, it will never be abolished. Your heavenly kingdom will never pass away; it will remain for eternity, and by faith in Jesus, we become heirs of Your heavenly home.

Lord, please allow us to share the permanence of Your salvation and righteousness with those who do not yet know You. Send them your Holy Spirit to begin saving faith in them to believe in Your Son, our Savior. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Since the earth will one day be gone, trust in the salvation that comes through the forgiveness of sins for Jesus’ sake. Your salvation and eternal life will never be removed through faith in Him.