Time for Grace-January 12, 2024

Time for Grace-January 12, 2024

Malachi 3:6

“Certainly I, the Lord, do not change.”

Dear Heavenly Father,

In your plea to Jacob’s descendants, you reminded them that you do not change. They had chased after false gods and done things that were against Your will. Yet, You desired to bless them and wanted them to turn away from everything that pulled them away from You. You were standing ready with forgiveness. Since You do not change, we can be confident that You will have the same grace and mercy for us who also fear and trust You.

This section of Malachi was a prophecy that you would send a messenger to prepare the way for Jesus, Your only-begotten Son. For everyone who fears and trusts in the promised Savior also trusts in You, You would spare them and make them Your people, while those who reject You will be thrown into the unstoppable hellfire. While we all deserve this, only by Your grace—undeserved love—that You spare believers; we have been forgiven and pulled from that destruction.

We are thankful you do not change; there is no fluctuating standard today. Faith in You comes to us from the Holy Spirit; He causes us to trust in Your Son, our Savior, who paid our redemption price with His blood. It is in the forgiveness Jesus won for us that we have salvation.

We ask that You please forgive us our sins for Jesus’ sake and strengthen our faith to fear and trust You with all our hearts. May we have confidence in the salvation and eternal life that You delivered to us, which is ours because You do not change. Finally, we ask for opportunities to share this unchanging truth with those who do not know You or Jesus so that they will also fear and trust in You to have eternal life and salvation. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

If God does not change, neither does his love and forgiveness for You. You are saved by faith alone, according to God’s grace alone, through Christ alone, as recorded and revealed in Scripture alone.