Time for Grace-January 20, 2024

Time for Grace-January 20, 2024

Isaiah 44:24-25

This is what the Lord, your Redeemer, the Lord who formed you from the womb, says. I am the Lord, the one who does all things, who stretched out the heavens by myself, who hammered out the earth. (Who was with me then?) I frustrate the signs of the deceivers and make fools of the fortune tellers. I overturn the wisdom of the wise and turn their knowledge into foolishness.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for always staying true to Your word. You have told us through Your written word how all around us was created, but many reject it. They come up with their theories, which always have holes and glitches. They sometimes acknowledge a supreme creator yet fail to recognize You. Because of sin, the world does not know You; You hammered out the earth and stretched the heavens. For those wise ones, the evidence points to the fact the world didn’t randomly happen but through an author and designer.

Our natural knowledge is limited to our conscience and what we see. We all know when we do something wrong, and there is accountability for the things we do wrong. One can see how you put the different self-sustaining systems in place; they are not random. Science has developed laws to explain how You put the earth’s support systems in place.

Knowledge about You is revealed in Your Word, telling us who You are and how You created the universe. You, along with the Son and the Holy Spirit, are one God who created and redeemed us; You set apart everyone who believes in You as Your people and continue to sustain us all.

There are many events over the world’s history that, if read not by faith, would reason You as an angry God (read through natural knowledge.) However, that is far from the truth. You sent Your Son to redeem us from all our sins, and Jesus is our Redeemer; He willingly came to earth to suffer in our place for all our sins. So that through faith in Him, we have salvation and eternal life (revealed knowledge.) Please keep us in the truth of Your Word so we know Your love and mercy for all. Let us also share this good news of salvation with those who do not believe in You. Amen

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

Only faith in Jesus makes the truth of the universe known because faith forgives and removes all your sins, which keep you from seeing God for who He is: the One who delivered salvation and eternal life to you.