Psalm 103:11-13
Yes, as high as the heavens are above the earth, so powerful is his mercy toward those who fear him. As distant as the East is from the West, so far has he removed our rebellious acts from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We should be terrified of you when considering who we are and our sins. Perhaps this is why those who do not know you react the way they do; their consciences hold them accountable for all their actions.
Because of all our sins, we need You and Your plan of salvation. Those who fear and trust in your love and mercy are restored to you by Jesus’ blood. All our loveless acts and failures are forgiven, and this is Your mercy; You remove the condemnation due to us because You have placed our judgment on Your Son, Jesus. Being a just God, You have punished all sins in Your Son, so those who trust in Him also trust in You, and they will not be punished again. You give us Your grace instead of the punishment we deserve.
If we should ever wonder how tremendous your mercy is, we only need to look toward heaven. There, we see what seems to be the endless sky, reflecting the vastness of your love. When Jesus took our sins into himself, he removed them as far as the East is from the West. All those rebellious, selfish, and loveless acts Jesus took into himself and suffered the punishment on the cross for us. Our sins are entirely gone!
This gift of your love and mercy is ours by faith alone; faith is the reverent fear in you, not being afraid but knowing what you have done so that we are once again your children. Father, we pray that you would keep us steadfast in your mercy and love and keep us strong in our faith that we will always fear you. We pray for those who do not know you; allow us to share your grace and mercy with them. Allow us to approach them still with the same love you have shown us so they, too, may believe. Amen.
Written through Pastor Roger Emmons
The power of God’s mercy is far greater than the weakness of your rebellion and sin. Jesus has removed your sins forever so that by believing in Him, you have eternal life.