Time for Grace-February 12, 2024

Time for Grace-February 12, 2024

2 Corinthians 4:7 

We hold this treasure in clay jars to show that its extraordinary power is from God and not from us.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Paul wrote about the great treasure with extraordinary powers You gift to all people, and we are the clay jars where this jewel is placed. Adam, our first parent, was formed from the clay, and You gave him the breath of life, putting Your spirit in him. We are the clay jars.

Nothing in us makes us worthy or unique, but Your treasure makes us extraordinary, and it is Your grace and mercy. You demonstrated Your glory when You suffered the punishment of our sins on the cross and completed the forgiveness for all our sins; this is an incredible treasure because it removes the condemnation of sin for all who believe in You. By faith in You, we are filled with Your glory, and it is a treasure that we can share with everyone we know and meet. As Paul wrote, this treasure did not come from us but from You.

Please fill us with Your glory so that we will know and trust Your treasure for us, and give us the courage to share our gift with those who do not yet know You so that they, too, would be filled with Your glory. Amen.

Written through Pastor Roger Emmons

The power of God’s love is demonstrated in His forgiveness; it is God’s forgiveness that removes every sin and restores you to peace with God. This gift is received by faith, and there is nothing we contribute to this; salvation was accomplished for us by Jesus on the cross.